G101/G205 Ray Allen Stick Grips

Regular price $69.00

Experimental Air Craft

The modern design G101B, G205 and G207 stick grips use four, flush fitting pushbutton switches to control one or two axis electric trim. These SPDT, momentary contact switches are rated at 5 amps. They can be wired directly to Ray Allen trim servos, eliminating the need to wire relays in your trim system when one grip is used. However, if two grips are used, you will need either relays or a switch to transfer the control of trims from one grip to the other.

The grip itself is made of semi-soft UV and oil resistant foam. The upper switch housing is made of nylon with a lightly textured finish. The G205 and G207 grips are 5.25 ”(133 mm) tall. The G101B is 4.75” (121 mm) tall.

The G205 and G207 grips also have a SPDT switch located on the front side of the grip. It is designed to function as a Push-To-Talk (PTT) button. A SPST switch located on the top of the G101B grip can also be used as a PTT button.

All Ray Allen Stick Grips are designed to fit any stick size up to 1” in diameter with the use of spacers. Two spacers are normally included with each grip enabling easy installation on 3/4”, 7/8” and 1” sticks. The stick grips also include pre-cut and stripped 26 gage teflon insulated 19 strand wire. A die-cut lexan coated label sheet is supplied in the G205 and G207 grips. There are three stick grip models available:


G207 Optional Switches

The pushbutton switch has a 1 amp @ 28 VDC rating.
The toggle type switches have a 2 amp @ 28 VDC rating.

Switch 1 = SPDT Pushbutton Switch, momentary contact
Switch 2 = SPDT Toggle Switch, On/Off
Switch 3 = SPDT Toggle Switch, On/Off/On
Switch 4 = SPDT Toggle Switch, momentary contact in one direction, On/Off/On
Switch 5 = SPDT Toggle Switch, momentary contact both directions, On/Off/On

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